Sometimes answered prayers are like the sun, hidden amidst an overcast sky of unanswered prayers... They are there. But you have to look really really intentionally to find them. And sometimes you have to believe they are there, waiting to be uncovered, even when you haven't seen them for awhile!
That is the story with my first #supernaturalstory
I remember as a young teen one of the first and biggest unanswered prayers I had prayed in faith to God was for my Grandma to be healed of cancer. She wasn't healed. Our hearts were absolutely broken. But what made this unanswered prayer even more difficult to bear was the uncertainty of whether or not she had made a decision to believe in Christ as her personal savior or not.
God did answer our prayers though. See, the other prayer we had been praying along with her physical healing was one for her spiritual healing. At her funeral service her best friend came up to our family and shared some very powerful and Miraculous news with us. She told us that the week Grandma had passed she had been wanting to reach us to share her heart with us that she had made a decision to trust Jesus as her savior and believe in Him for eternal life.
God DOES answer prayer!
He gave her a spiritual healing which in turn, gives her and us the promise of physical healing for eternity with Him! What an answer to prayer!
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