Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day Two

You'd never know it now, but these two fingers (left thumb and pointer) had deformed nail beds and were scheduled for surgery. You see, there was a point in my life as a young girl when I had warts growing under the nail bed on those two fingers. And not only that, but I had previously had wart issues on my feet, ankle, and on my knee, as well. With my fingers, the pain was SO bad. It was like sharp shooting pains anytime I tried to play piano, touch anything or if they got bumped. The warts under my fingernails were deforming the nail beds too. I tried everything, burning, cutting, freezing, over the counter treatments, but nothing worked on these particular warts. This went on for months and just got worse and worse, never better. Even the word wart is so disgusting. And these ones were particularly ugly. Each had that ugly black wart root, they were scaly and literally looked like they were eating my finger tips away.

I finally relented and decided to see a surgeon who could help remove the warts. He warned me that he may need to remove the entire nail bed on each finger to fully dig these large warts and their roots out. It was going to be an immensely painful surgery because of all the nerve endings and the sensitivity of the fingertips. But I was willing to go through with it because of the immense pain the warts were causing me daily. I figured one agonizing surgery was better than months and months of agony I had been experiencing. So, I scheduled surgery. 

I had been praying and asking God during those months leading up to that appointment for healing. And after scheduling the surgery I did continue to ask God for a healing... But I do not recall any one miraculous prayer or moment. Rather, over time, and about two weeks prior to the surgery date, I simply all of the sudden noticed that I had not had any pain for a little while. I looked down at my fingers and was absolutely astonished! The nail beds looked normal, there was NO SIGN of previous damage, there was no black wart root, no scars, no eaten away nail beds anymore... Just completely healed fingertips and nail beds! It was a complete miracle and happened without me even realizing it and I praised God for His grace and love and for this miraculous healing! The surgeon probably thought I had just chickened out❤️



  1. Our Life Group gave thanks Thursday evening, 6/2/16, for your story and healing. I felt led to share it with them and we all know that God is great and able to do anything.
    Thank you for sharing, we all love you and are blessed by your talents.

  2. Our Life Group gave thanks Thursday evening, 6/2/16, for your story and healing. I felt led to share it with them and we all know that God is great and able to do anything.
    Thank you for sharing, we all love you and are blessed by your talents.

  3. I love that you were able to share this and rejoice Rick! And Meghan, AMEN! All glory to God!
